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  • Batch Start Date
    May 20, 2024
  • Number of Students
    20 Seats
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Python Certification Training Course

Python is high-level built-in data structure, together with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, making it ideal for Rapid Application Development and as a scripting or glue language for connecting existing components. Python's concise, easy-to-learn syntax prioritizes readability, which lowers software maintenance costs. Modules and packages are supported by Python, which fosters program modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and its substantial standard library are free to download and distribute in source or binary form for all major platforms.

Key Features
  • 120 hours of training with an instructor
  • Much practice with current features
  • Learn by doing and go through the entire development cycle
  • Advance from basic to intermediate Knowledge of Python Course
Python Certification Training Course Pathway

• Introduction

• Programming

• Benefits

• Python: A Quick Overview Python-using businesses Python Applications Python Configuration Variables Expressions and Processing elements Statements that are conditional Loops Arguments on the Command Line

• Accepting User Input Method and eval Function

• Input/Output Functions for Files in Python

• Lists and Related Procedures

• Tuples and Related Operations

• Strings and Operations on Strings

• Sets and Operations Related to Them

• Dictionaries and Related Operations

• Functions that are defined by the user

• Return Statement as a Concept

• name =" main " is a concept.

• Parameters of the function Arguments of Various Types

• Variables at a Global Level

• a broad term

• Returning Values and Variable Scope

• Lambda Functions

• Several built-in features

• Object-Oriented Concepts: An Overview

• Attributes and Methods

• Instance Variable and Class Variable

• Constructor and Destructor

• Python's decorator

• Inheritance

• Order of Method Resolution

• Overloading

• Overriding

• Methods of Getter and Setter

• Case Study on Inheritance in the Classroom

• Standard Library Collections

• Import Statements and Packages

• Function of Reloading

• Python's Most Important Modules

• Module for System

• Module OS

• Module on Mathematics

• Module for Date and Time

• Module of Chance

• Module for JSON Handling Exceptions

• Data Analysis Fundamentals

• Arrays in NumPy

• Array-based operations

• Iterative and Slicing

• Attributes of NumPy Arrays

• Product Matrix

• Functions in NumPy

• Manipulation of Arrays

• An overview of pandas

• Pandas data structures

• Series

• Data Frame.

• Python File Importing and Exporting

• A Data Object's Basic Components

• A Data Object's Basic Components

• Data Objects Merging

• Data Objects Concatenation

• Types of Data Object Joins

• Using pandas to clean data

• Dataset Exploration


• What is the purpose of data visualization?

• Matplotlib is a library for plotting data.

• Plots on a Line

• Plots with Multiple Lines

• Plot of Bars

• Histogram

• Diagram of a Pie

• Plot Scatter

• Boxplot

• Charts for Saving

• Visualizations that can be customized

• Plots that can be saved

• Grids

• Subplots

•  Introduction

• Widget

• Geometry management

• Binding functions

• Working with images in Tkinter